Data Filter Visualize Story

Goobjoog Graphics

Visual journalism that offers an immersive storytelling experience and narratives that aim to provide context and understanding, focusing beyond the breaking news.

With the ever-expanding scope of news, the rapidly changing socio-economic and geopolitical landscapes, and the advent of science and technology, merely reporting events as they happen no longer constitutes news. Going deeper into the what, when, who, why, and how offers a comprehensive view, providing the audience with the context needed to understand the connected events that impact their lives to make informed decisions.

Focused on topics of significant public interest, Goobjoog Graphics blends traditional research and data journalism with visual reporting to forge an excellent storytelling experience, presenting findings in a visually engaging format that incorporates maps, infographics, videos, images, audio, charts, and tables. This approach not only makes research compelling and accessible to all but also ensures that the stories are thoroughly investigated. Constructing these stories, building the visual narrative, and fact-checking the evidence may span months. However, the final products leave a lasting impact by making complex issues understandable and engaging to a broad audience.

Goobjoog Graphics explores a range of critical areas, each chosen for its relevance and potential to affect change:

  • Society and Politics: In-depth look at the dynamics of societal structures, democracy, human rights, governance, and public policies.
  • National Security: Issues related to the safety and stability of a nation, from geopolitics to counterterrorism and regional peace.
  • Environment and Climate Change: Examines the challenges of environmental degradation and climate change and looks at long-term solutions.
  • Health and Wellness: Covers a wide range of physical, mental, and public health topics, going beyond the basics and examining deeper.
  • Economy and Business Trends: Analyzes the forces shaping regional and local economies, from market dynamics to the impact of innovation and technology on industries.